


Having been a horse rider for almost 10 years, I have some of the best times with this club, whether it is at training, at competitions or at social! Everyone is really friendly and welcoming, the horses we can ride are absolutely wonderful and our exec team are brilliant! They are extremely organised and we have several events lined up in the future for us all to look forwards too, including SportsVest and Intramural! We always have a brilliant time at competition and whether we win or lose... I’m proud to be a part of the A-team and indeed of equestrian! Although it’s a shame our budget isn’t a bit higher so we could afford to do more- after all, equestrian is a very expensive sport and we are all poor university students; who isn’t - we do manage well on what we get due to the hard work and dedication of exec and everyone in the club, making an expensive sport good value for money. It is a wonderful club to be a part of, and the highlight of my university experience... I have made friends on equestrian that I know will be my friends for the rest of university and for years to come.