Rock, Alternative & Metal Society



I have a huge loce fir this sicuety and eceryine in it. We're like a big family, we kbiw everybody snd we get on so well. Its nice to have such cariety in our society too, wether that's music tastes, background or even course subjects. This society has weekly events which are always fun and interesting. They're usually to do with the night life around stoke and the society really helps support this more alternative clubbing scene. They're always friendly, welcoming and up for a laugh. Not only do they support nightlife but they strive to support local bands too, who usually play at these venues. This society is great fun, very social and the committee members are extremely hard workers who clearly have their member in mind.


They are by far my favourite society, as they genuinely care about their members and go out of their way to make it an enjoyable experience. I have yet to have a dull night out or in with them, and on top of it all, the event's they organise are top tier and have won awards