Islamic Society



The most friendly people, warm and welcoming, you never feel left out, always a part of a group. The organised events are such fun, I went paint-balling in the first week with them and it was incredibly cheap and a really great day out! There's so many other branches as well like ARK, random acts of kindness initiative that is so rewarding and useful, not only do they help the homeless and people in need, they also hold academic events and help sessions for people who may be not be used to university writing/assessment - all for free!


The society is very welcoming of all races and religions, and ensures everyone feels part of the events. Charity work is organised very well, and the society works together to aid those in need, and at the same time brings students closer together in the process. The isoc has many events every week including talks on academic matters as well as social issues. There are also many fun charity events ad well as stress relieving things organised by isoc welfare. The ARK project, which is a subgroup of the isoc are very good at involving people from all campuses to help organise events regarding different issues such as tackling homelessness, improving academia, and in aiding people from outside university in the outreach programme.