Astor College

120th in London



The location was stellar, situated on Charlotte Street near the beating heart of London's LGBT community at only £136/week. Since I left however there are major refurbishment works going on.


The halls themselves at the time (2013-14) weren’t great. Building works for 6/7am everyday meant a lot of noise and right outside my window so also a lot of dust. No WiFi just Ethernet cables making access away from desk very difficult. Also rooms and bathrooms themselves were tiny and more like cells. However all this was worth it for the location, opposite the university and in between Tottenham Court Road and oxford street- dreamy.


Poor first impression, seemed more like a prison rather than a residential hall. Things improved from there though. Meals (lunch and dinner) were provided for every weekday, exceptional cleaning staff and front desk staff who were always friendly and efficient. Each floor had about 3 kitchens along the hallway. Unfortunately the kitchens would get very dirty often, especially weekends.


Real party hall. Like it’s pretty fun but I wouldn’t go if you’re not down to party a lot like its pretty noisy all the time so you gotta commit. If you want something more quiet I’d try international halls.