Why you should never stop learning new skills

Richard Alpapara and Caxie Dagupenon 22 April 2021
Teacher giving a presentation

Find out the benefits of lifelong learning with this informative piece from Multiverse.

Digital Marketing apprentice Richard and Project Management apprentice Caxie talk about why you should never stop learning. They’re leaders within a community of learners, unlocking alternative paths to a successful career with Multiverse.

Lifelong learning is all about proactively upskilling and educating yourself with relevant skills for future work. Learning the value of this will boost your academic progression and enrich your work life.

People tend to think that academic progression and work experience are two separate entities. This doesn’t need to be the case. There’s one route that combines the two: apprenticeships.

Continuous learning unlocks an alternative path to a successful career

Using your initiative to learn continuously will set you apart and show your willingness to continue developing. Not only will it accelerate your career, but it will also future-proof it.

Being open to continual learning shows your colleagues, and particularly your manager, that you’re keen to push on to the next level. Developing new skills and getting recognition will build your confidence and help you develop outside your comfort zone. 

Continuous learning also develops your lateral thinking, which improves your ability to solve problems creatively. These skills will equip you with a wide array of perspectives required to solve complex problems that may not have been obvious at first.

Future-proofing your career via apprenticeships

Constant learning allows you to build skills and experiences that might provide the catalyst for your next role or promotion. Creating a personal and professional development plan will help you achieve your career ambitions.

This is easy to do on an apprenticeship programme because you and your coach agree on a set of objectives each month. These objectives can be anything, from enhancing your presentation skills to improving your Excel skills. It’s hard but rewarding work.

Data and digital skills are crucial for the future of your career. With the world becoming increasingly tech-oriented, it's a necessity for all employees to pick up these skills.

A prime skill you can learn to use the data at your disposal is automation. There’s no better way to save time. Continuous learning is important in these sectors, as best practices can change quickly, unlike traditional sectors with long-established practices. Apprenticeships empower you to become fluent in the tools that make sense of data.

Combining learning with working is the future

Applied learning is a transformative experience where you apply the theory you’ve learnt in your role. Our current apprentice community comprises professionals from trainees to managers, all learning how to be digital marketers, project managers, data analysts, and software engineers, to name a few. Not only do we get to learn hard skills such as coding, writing business cases, and running marketing strategies, we also get to hone our soft skills such as communication, management, and resilience. 

The best thing about apprenticeships is the 1-to-1 coaching you’ll receive while getting paid instead of having to pay to learn. Having a coach that will be there for you throughout your journey will ensure that you are successful in your apprenticeship. You don’t get this much support at university!

Personal growth requires learning new skills, behaviours, and knowledge, none of which is difficult when you’re open to change. Having an open mind towards learning will allow you to be versatile in whatever career you want to pursue.

Richard Alpapara and Caxie Dagupenon 22 April 2021